Diabetes affects every part of the body, including our skin.
Skin problems often are what alerts skin specialists to potential internal health concerns which leads to the initial diagnosis of diabetes. This is because the tissues in the skin show the signs early on before the patient feels unwell.
Another to do list item but Good skin care is essential with diabetes.To maintain skin health first and foremost is to keep your diabetes well managed. Most skin issues are a result of uncontrolled blood sugar levels and most issues clear up once levels have normalised. People with high blood sugar have drier skin and the ability to fight off harmful bacteria is lowered. This in turn leads to an increased risk of infection. If you sweat a lot, it may be a good idea to change clothing during the day, this can reduce skin infections in particular under the breasts, armpits and groin area.
Skin must be kept clean and dry but do avoid very hot baths and showers. Hot water is not good for anyone but in particular diabetics as it leaves the skin at risk for other skin issues. Choose good quality natural, fragrance-free soaps, lotions, and shampoos. Most off the shelf brands contain artificial fragrances and alcohols that will irritate your already compromised skin. Aqueous cream can be used as a rich body wash and applied to dry skin before entering the bath or shower, this will help to maintain skin barrier integrity. Make sure the skin between the toes is dried well and avoid the application of lotions there as this can increase the risk of fungal infections.
Treat cuts and abrasions quickly, it’s important to not ignore them. Even the smallest of cuts can turn nasty and become infected if blood sugars are high. Apply antibiotic cream that your doctor has prescribed. Cover any minor oozing cuts or abrasions with sterile gauze. See your doctor straight away should any wound become increasingly red, inflamed or start to ooze. Something that seems so insignificant can cause loss of a hand or foot if left for too long.
During the winter months a humidifier can help to manage excessively dry skin concerns and prevent excessive itching as it keeps the humidity at an optimal level.
Ladies, fragranced hygiene products are also good to avoid as they can exacerbate diabetic skin issues. Instead, if you find that you sweat more down there, change your underwear halfway through the day to help with any odour and moisture concerns.The skin is our protective layer for our entire body. Paying attention and keeping it healthy will keep everything else in equilibrium too.