We’re back with Episode 67 of ‘not ARTIFICIALLY Sweetened’, THE podcast packed with unfiltered reflections on all things diabetes!
Our FREE education and advocacy podcast is easy to find – search for ‘not ARTIFICIALLY Sweetened’ on any one of our top podcast apps (Spotify, Pocket Casts, Apple Podcasts or the LiSTN Audio App).
“Diabetes can be prevented, treated and managed. No one should be left behind” – Dr Patrick Ngassa Piotie, 2024
In this episode, we welcome back in studio, Dr Patrick Ngassa Piotie, a medical doctor with a PhD in public health. Patrick is a passionate clinician, researcher, leader, and advocate in the field of diabetes and non-communicable diseases, and he bravely ‘speaks truth to power’’. In an unmissable Episode, Stan and Michael discuss with Patrick, the ‘whole of government, whole of society’ problem of diabetes in South Africa and the production and handover of the Diabetes Alliance 2023 Diabetes Summit Report and Recommendations to the National Department of Health. This marks a key inflexion point in the journey to improved diabetes care and advocacy. Let’s hold policymakers to account and ensure the recommendations are translated to action. YOUR participation in the journey forward is critical!
In this week’s Advocacy message, registered dietitian and person living with type 1 diabetes, Misha Kruger, shares why she thinks Diabetes Advocacy is important.
See the show notes for MUCH MORE info & our weekly poll!